what the leader say

Worldwide: What the Leaders say about the Apostle Dr. Joe Kayo

NAIROBI EVANGELICAL GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY The Dictionary of African Christian Biography (By Mwiranga G.K) If there be a man used of God to perpetuate Pentecostal revival in Africa South of the Sahara, then Apostle Joe Kayo is the man. Taking off from August 1957 after T.L.Osborn crusade in Mombasa, Apostle Joe Kayo has been preaching, and used to minister the grace of God and His power through miracles like in the days of the early Church. He has held crusades and revival meetings in most of the African countries, North America, Europe and Asia. THE VISION AND MINISTRY Six months after his conversion, Apostle Dr. Joe Kayo had an unusual experience. He alone was again praying when he started speaking in tongues. Worried of what was happening, he went to some Pastors who were with Dr. T. L. Osborn in the crusade, and was informed that he had been filled with the Holy Spirit. As he meditated about it, he heard a clear voice say to him, “ I have healed you these two times and filled you with My Holy Spirit, so that you may take Christ’s healing power to the world.” CONTRIBUTIONS 1. Pentecostal movement To date Apostle Dr. Kayo is a favorite speaker in University Campuses, Colleges and High Schools in different countries of the world. He has held Crusades and Revival meetings in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, England, U.S.A., Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Swaziland, Japan, Botswana Nigeria, and all over Kenya of course. His crusades do number in tens of thousands at a single meeting, where authentic miracles do happen. It is through his preaching that many African countries have embraced Pentecostalism, that is now common all over Africa. 2. Mentoring Great leaders of the Church in Kenya have served under the leadership of Dr. Joe Kayo. It is said that there is no major town you can visit in East Africa, and fail to meet preachers who were born again in Dr. Joe Kayo’s crusades, directly, or were helped by the man of God personally. The three times I visited his office there were always long queues of believers coming for counselling, advice and other mentoring needs. He has remained loyal to the Lord who called him, he has not joined up with any grouping, yet has loved God’s servants and believers, and has served them without discrimination. Many of us know where he goes for physical fitness exercises with his wife, who labors along with him. Giving credit where it deserves is the right thing to do. In this case, the legacy we can give to this man is to appreciate his input to the Church of Africa.
Mwiranga G.K
“Pentecostal preacher who made sense”, being a staunch Roman Catholic. I did not get saved, but later I did. He is a pioneer, I respect him. Since I began to relate to him, my life and ministry has dramatically changed, he is a great friend.
Bishop Sammy Gitaari
Founder Gospel Celebration Centres, Kenya, author, Lecturer, TV and Radio Ministry
Dr. Kayo is a man of God of extraordinary standing in God’s service. Zambia has never seen someone like him. God is using him mightily.
Pastor Emmanuel Mwansa
Work Lusaka, Zambia
He is tall, there is nothing extraordinary about him. You can pass without another glance, especially if you are used to looking at Medical Doctors which he is not by the way. His feature carries that resemblance in dignity, he holds , and D.D. in Theology, having studied formal education at grade six. He is not exactly black, being as it were light brown, but the skin is that of a person who has just come from steam bath. He is not an imposing figure. You get the feeling that the man wants to laugh with you (and not at you) about anything in the world. He is a happy man and he exudes happiness. In his presence, you too begin to become happy. To Zambians who received from him, the churches that called him, the benefits were immeasurable. The Restoration Church is alive with new vigor, and the members are a buzz with the Spirit of Revival. “God is truly using Dr. Kayo.”
Franklin Tembo
Senior Journalist Lusaka, Zambia
Though some religious quarters are incensed against him for reasons that are not hard to find, Dr. Kayo is both locally and broadly associated with Spiritual Breakthroughs. He extends invitation to worship services where the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk. He adds with a knowing smile; “mud slingers soil their own hands before slinging it to others. I can’t afford laxity, procrastination is not in my vocabulary. I deploy minimum resources for maximum results”. Says Dr. Kayo. Wherein lies Kayo’s success? His warm likeable and so approachable a personality? Whatever observation is liberally made, Joe Kayo’s Ministry of deliverance is in great demand in this century so ridden with fear, domestic and disillusionment amid technological excellence, which ends in the horror of Nagasaki.
Gachomo A. Gachomo Jr.
Poet, Nairobi Kenya
Apostle Dr.Joe Kayo is recognized today, as a man who has successfully altered the lives of many people in Kenya, through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he is credited as being the most successful man of great integrity. By removing conflicts and promoting positive attitudes of mutual respect. He has enabled people of different ethnic origin and socio-economic backgrounds live together in harmony, and make positive contribution to the task of nation building. Whether we like his informal familiar method, or resent the fashion in which he has transformed the Gospel, in either case, he has borne loyal and reverent testimony to the appealing beauty, imperishable grace and charm of the central figure of our faith, Jesus Christ.
Dr. Author Kemoli
Lecturer; University of Nairobi
We must look back and appreciate our Pentecostal heritage. We must also humbly recognize the instrument that God used to bless this nation with a revival that has continued for over forty years, we can’t just wipe away history by merely wishing it so. The Apostle Dr. Joe Kayo is an outstanding instrument in God’s hand, I heard him first in Uganda, then he took part in getting me started here in Nairobi in early 70s, although I was so opposed, he stood by me, now, the anointing upon him is mature, and has become a great blessing to us.
Bishop Dr. Arthur Kitonga
Founder – Redeemed Gospel Church, Nairobi – Kenya
Joe Kayo is a man of fire. You can see it in his eyes, sense it in his speech and feel it when he walks into a room. He is a man on fire for a cause, a belief, faith. Joe Kayo is on fire for Jesus Christ. He has preached to throngs numbering to thousands. Kayo is one of the foremost African Ministers having conducted or participated in crusades and rallies throughout most of Africa, England, Canada, USA and Asia.
Ron Wells
Syndicated Journalist. San Diego, California – USA
When Dr. Joe Kayo speaks, the people listen.
Late Rev. Paul Bruton
Missionary, Statesman. TX – USA
This man is like Caleb of the Bible, he has a different spirit, he was called to preach, and preaching he keeps doing. When I saw him early 1960s in Kampala, Uganda, and heard him preach, immediately I admired him, I wanted to be like him.
Bishop Dr. Charles Muyu
Gospel Tabernacle, Nairobi – Kenya
In the early 70s, Joe Kayo was mightily used by God, to bring spiritual Revival and Renewal to Churches in Kenya. Saved from a night club life, Joe Kayo moved from Mombasa to Nairobi, set it aflame with the Holy Ghost awakening. Everyone in the City talked about it. Kariokor, the centre of the revival meetings, became an Oasis for dry thirsty souls who came in great numbers to drink. Thousands of nominal church goers were saved and delivered from all types of demons. Joe Kayo went to Colleges and High Schools all over the country preaching, setting on fire students. He was heavily criticized by mainline denominations who accused him of “confusing people and hypnotizing” them. This was because people got saved and delivered in Joe Kayo’s crusades. But Kayo continued preaching! Many of today’s denominations were started by Joe Kayo’s Revival. Deliverance Church that he started has grown and become a great success in Kenya. Apostle Kayo will go down the history as a gifted and charismatic leader, who rightly became the father of Great spiritual awakening in Kenya (and beyond), also a Spiritual father of many great Christian Leaders and Spiritual denominations (Churches). I was among the youth who were drawn to Kariokor to hear him. I got born again and Spirit filled, we were so affected that we went all over the nation preaching. we were small Kayos; he became our role model, we dressed, walked and talked like him. Todate, this great man has grown in strength and maturity. I can’t properly and fully introduce Joe Kayo but the man is my spiritual father.
Dr. David Kitonga
Chairman – Kawangware Pastors’ Fellowship, Nairobi
Much can be said about this man’s life and ministry. I can say three things about God’s servant, Dr. Joe Kayo; Trustworthy, Faithful, and Consistent. This man is characterized by these virtues, most of us are encouraged by the consistency of Dr. Kayo, faithfulness to God’s call, and trustworthiness to his ministry, we love the man of God.
Dr. Wellington Mutiso
Founder: Grace Theological Seminary, First Baptist Church, Athi River – Nairobi, Kenya
I was born in the great Revival which he spearheaded in the 1970s; I was only 17 and at school, I later worked and travelled with him, mentored on the job. I have many great memorable things and occurrences I can relate, but, if you sit and talk of Joe Kayo, you will stay here all day! I heard him answer one man who asked; How are you? I am above average preacher, was the answer, and, that caught my curious young mind, from then, I wished that when I grew up I’d answer the same to someone. This man Joe Kayo, has not built monuments to be remembered for, but he has already made a mark in millions of lives. Mention these men who appear on the news as preachers, they passed through Kariokor before they began. I went to Juba city, Sudan with Dr. Kayo in 1977; he preached two days, and not a soul got saved, the third day he stood there at the Presidential Square, and asked the vast crowd; If I pray for the deaf and dumb in Jesus’ name, and Jesus heals them, will you believe that what I preach is true? The crowed roared back; Yes. Rev. Bruton had disappeared, Joe Kayo went ahead and prayed for the deaf, many heard and began to shout, we surfaced and joined in the celebration, from then on, wonders of all types took place. Juba Pentecostal Church was born from that crusade, it stands to this day. If you forget anything I have said about this man of God, do not forget this; A steward must be found faithful, this, is a life and ministry, exemplified by one word, “faithfulness.”
Bishop J. B. Masinde
Deliverance Church, Umoja Nairobi
My first encounter with Apostle Dr. Joe Kayo was in 1969 at a Revival Rally he was presiding at Jeevajee Gardens. I was an Anglican Church devotee, born again but lacked the fire to maintain my Christian walk.I formed Kenya Anglican Youth Organisation (K.A.Y.O) and was already in gainful employment, working in a nice big office in the city(Nairobi). At the time, everyone, everywhere was talking about “this young handsome, energetic man” who was full of Holy Spirit fire and wherever he went, he baptized many and they became his followers. His name was the talk of the day. I therefore purposed to attend one of these meetings to witness and confirm about these rumours. I can never forget that lovely day I attended a Revival Rally and was baptized with the Holy Ghost fire, my wife following shortly after. My life has never been the same again . I have very few friends, but am glad that among them Dr. Kayo is one of them. I uphold him very highly before God and the Government. He is The Man of God. He is the father of the Pentecostal Revival in Africa. I am honest, I can never speak about Revival without making mention of his name, I have even analysed him in the Internet. I received two major things that I believe are very fundamental, everyone must know. The first one is Transformation. Through Apostle Dr. Kayo, all youth went through transformation and many of us are who we are and where we are today, because of that transformation. Secondly; I received empowerment. Dr. Kayo is more than you perceive him to be! He is worth following, an elder worth of respect and I am proud of him. He has stood the test of time. Today we the Pentecostals are enjoying the fruits of his labour, we have over 8,000 denominations through this man. I strongly believe in my spirit, that 2012 is going to be the year of Pentecostal settlement. I thank God for His humble servant. It is such an honor to have a minister of his calibre in our midst. God bless you Sir!
Dr. Gerry Kibarara
Jubilee Commonwealth Church – Founder
I first heard of Apostle Dr. Joe Kayo many years back,through his anointed literature. I was jobless and an insignificant person back then. I was living in my village, known to afew people. To this day I have never understood how his literature found it’s way to a very remote place. Every time I read it, the words spoke Hope to me and really touched my heart. When I moved into the City (Nairobi) in search of greener pastures, I started attending Joe Kayo Ministries International (JKMI) and was nurtured in the Word. Two weeks after my first Degree, I was employed as a Journalist at theNation Media Group where I worked for nine years before being appointed to work at the Kenya Union of Journalists for seven years, prior to joining the Goverment’s Public Communications department where I am todate. I thank God for Apostle Dr. Kayo leading this Country in the ways of God. I see him as Caleb of old, who at Eighty years of age, said he was stronger than when he was Forty and said; give me this mountain! Dr. Kayo is a Pentecostal icon worthy of respect and following May God grant him longevity that he may continue ministering to God’s people
Ezekiel Mutua
Information Secretary – Kenya
I first came into contact with Dr. Joe Kayo’s ministry in 1982 at Kakamega Social Hall where a big team of brethren had come together to hear Dr. Kayo preach. Prior to this, I had read his literature inKisii and heard how God was using him mightily all across our nation and beyond. I sat on the edge of my seat gulping down the revelation oozing from the pulpit through God’s servant as he taught from Deut. 28:1, taking us through God’s blessings. I heard things that were too marvellous and I promised myself that when I grew up, I would be like him. The Grace of God in his life and ministryhas changed many lives, mine included. There is an ill that is affecting us Pentecostals, we don’tcelebrate our own men and women of God, whom He has raised, yet we adore visiting preachers and Tele-evangelists. I believe in Dr. Kayo’s ministry, I don’t play around with him. No matter how far or high I may go, he remains a father, and that is a fact am always aware of. As a matter of fact and urgency, I would like to urge the young preachers :Do not be deceived! What we are enjoying today is because of someone else’s labour. It is because of men like Dr. Kayo who were willing to traverse the land with the gospel, bringing about Revival, that we can easily transcend borders today. I respect Apostle Dr. Kayo as the father of the Pentecostal movement heritage in Kenya. Lastly, I know that this is an Elections’ year, there is so much that has befallen our country in the past days; students commiting suicide, rape, fires destroying lives and property, road carnage, floods that have left many hopeless and homeless, hunger, clashes and the list goes on. I say to you; Fear Not!There is an Apostolic anointing and Grace in the land through Dr. Joe Kayo.True prophet in the land, just like in Bible days, preserve the country from decadence. They are very significant. Thank God we have one in Apostle Dr. Kayo. No matter what happens in our land, do not fear. GOD HAS RAISED A MAN! We thank God for the grace upon his life and ministry, our lives can never be the same! To the glory of God, he has raised and continues to raise people that God is using this final hour. God bless you indeed. You are the man of God. I respect you.
Bishop Kepha Omae
National Director: Morris Cerullo World Evangelism